
Weingut Tesch - St. Remigiusberg Riesling trocken 2023

Weißwein 12.50 %

“The 2023 Riesling Trocken Laubenheimer St. Remigiusberg is the purest, lightest, brightest and most floral-scented wine of the vintage at this domaine and possibly also the deepest. Filigreed and finely juicy on the palate, this is a tight, pure, dry and slightly austere Riesling that has an intense and juicy core and the concentration to make it a long-distance runner. The acidity is frisky, and the wine has outstanding balance, given its complexity and aging potential. I tasted it after the Karthäuser, which made this wine seem more austere that it really is. Of all the dry crus, the Remigiusberg is the most sophisticated and complex one yet also the one that deserves a sophisticated wine lover. This is saline and savory on the finish yet also juicy and even sensual. Applause! 12.5% stated alcohol. Screw-cap closure. Tasted in September 2024. 95.” Stephan Reinhardt in

Weingut Tesch - St. Remigiusberg Riesling trocken 2023

0.75 Liter

€ 21,90

€ 29,20/Liter

inkl. Mwst

Versand Inland (Germany) € 0,00
Versandkosten international

“The St. Remigiusberg is the the wine with the greatest density and fullness, although it does not in any way lose its balance. For the moment, the wine features edgy citric fruits, but it has a very good development ahead of it. Screw cap closure. 12.5% stated alcohol. 93+.” Claude Kolm in the Fine Wine Review “The 2023 Riesling St. Remigiusberg is grown on weathered volcanic soil of porphyry. It is Tesch’s smallest site, with vines grown on a steep slope and a flat plateau. Both citrus foliage and zest give immediate lift and life to the nose. The palate is pervasive, energetic, racy and exciting. There is much richness and fluidity at the core and a fill of ripe, juicy Mirabelle, but it remains absolutely zesty with ripe citrus. This is beautifully complete and serene. (Bone-dry). 94.” Anne Krebiehl MW in "How could the beauty of a ripe apricot be married to a lightning strike? That’s what this extraordinary dry riesling does. Generosity and purity are redefined as this flies over your palate with a staggering energy. The flash may be too bright for you, but that doesn’t alter the fact that it is a brilliant illumination that lights up the sky. Drink or hold. 97." Stuart Pigott in Allergene: Sulfit. Herkunftsland: Deutschland

Weingut Tesch Naheweinstraße 99 55450 Langenlonsheim
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