
Weingut Tesch - Krone Riesling trocken 2023

Weißwein 12.50 %

"The yellow of morning sunshine shines from a clear sky straight into your face, making you feel glad to be alive. So pure and clean on the medium-bodied palate, then you sink into this light in the form of wet stone minerality. Drink or hold. 94." Stuart Pigott in

Weingut Tesch - Krone Riesling trocken 2023

0.75 Liter

€ 19,90

€ 26,53/Liter

inkl. Mwst

Versand Inland (Germany) € 0,00
Versandkosten international

The intensely yellow-colored 2023 Riesling Trocken Laubenheimer Krone opens with fine and elegant, perfectly ripe and concentrated (baby pineapple) fruit that intertwines with sur lie notes and finely spicy terroir aromas that include some lovely herbal nuances. It is a very smart Riesling from lighter loam soils topped by weathered red sandstone. Round and lush on the refined and crystalline palate, the Krone starts like a typical 2023 with unscrupulous fruit expression, but then it turns toward a somewhat austere and phenolic finish. It is less generous in the end than expected from the nose and first palate, and although it has a concentrated and juicy fruit core, the phenols take over on the finish and leave the palate a little drier than necessary. Is that due to a (too) early harvest or because of maceration? Or is it the use of oak? 12.5% stated alcohol. Stelvin screw cap. Tasted in September 2024. 92.“ Stephan Reinhardt in “The 2023 Riesling Krone is from old vines grown on a steep, southeast-facing slope of loam and weathered sandstone. The nose shows enticing glimpses of ripe, juicy nectarine and Navel orange. There is generosity and juiciness, but vivid citrus defines the wine in the end with its beautiful zestiness. This is exquisite, bright and really long. The rigorous sorting necessary in 2023 meant that this 2.5-hectare site could yield only 5,000 liters of wine. It was worth it. (Bone-dry). 94.” Anne Krebiehl MW in Allergene: Sulfit. Herkunftsland: Deutschland

Weingut Tesch Naheweinstraße 99 55450 Langenlonsheim
© Weinkosmos Dr. Michael Diener, Feldstraße 25, 66132 Saarbrücken. Preise in € inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt.. Satzfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Lieferung solange Vorrat reicht. Telefon 06 81-9 89 28 36 Email: info at