"Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Diener! Ich bedanke mich bei Ihnen noch einmal für die guten Empfehlungen, die ja aus einer ebenso umfassenden wie informativen Verkostung resultieren. Die Weine, die zum einen zum Anlass meines 50sten Geburtstages angeboten wurden, begeisterten meine Gäste derart, dass ich bereits um Weitergabe der Kontaktdaten gebeten wurde. Zum anderen dienen mir Ihre edlen Tropfen auch als "give away" an unsere Kunden. Auch von dort gibt es nur die allerbesten Resonanzen. So freue ich mich auf eine weiterhin freundschaftliche und konstruktive Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen." Liebe Grüße von Thomas Kunkel, MAMBA software gmbh

Weingut von Othegraven - Saar

Das Weingut von Othegraven besitzt nicht nur enormes Potenzial mit Großen Lagen-Rieslingen wie Altenberg, Bockstein, Herrenberg und Wiltinger Kupp, sondern beweist schon bei seinen Gutsweinen VO und Max, die allesamt aus diesen Großen Lagen stammen, seine Ambitionen auf die deutsche Top-Liga. Was Thea Jauch, Günther Jauch und ihr Team hier aufbauen, ist schon von besonderem Format. Anerkennung findet dies unter anderem in den Auszeichnungen zum "Winzer des Jahres", "Riesling Kabinett des Jahres" und "Riesling Spätlese des Jahres" im Vinum Weinguide 2023. Das VDP-Weingut von Othegraven ist Mitglied von FAIR´N GREEN. Da wir als autorisierter Handelspartner alle unsere Weine direkt vom Weingut von Othegraven beziehen, können wir Ihnen auch die beste Qualität garantieren. Und dies zu denselben Preisen wie ab Weingut vor Ort.

Weingut von Othegraven - VO Riesling feinherb 2022

Weißwein 9.50 %

Ein so fruchtiger wie charmanter Riesling, der durch seine frische Mineralität und duftende Aromatik eine Geschmacksklasse bestimmt, die in dieser Preisregion selten ist.

€ 8.90

Weingut von Othegraven - VO Riesling feinherb 2021

Weißwein 10.50 %

Mit Original-Autogramm von Günther Jauch.

€ 8.90

Weingut von Othegraven - Max Riesling trocken VDP.Gutswein 2021

Weißwein 11.00 %

Ein Gutsriesling von der der Saar par excellence: fruchtig, mineralisch, fein duftend und inspirierend. Harmonisch, aber trotzdem spannend mit einem klaren und intensiven Finale.

€ 12.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Riesling Kabinett feinherb VDP. Gutswein 2022

Weißwein 9.00 %

€ 12.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Von Othegraven Riesling Sekt brut

Schaumwein 12.00 %

Feiner und erstklassiger Riesling Sekt aus den Top-Lagen von Othergravens Wiltinger Kupp, Herrenberger, Bockstein und Altenberg. Traditionelle Flaschengärung, klassisches Champagnerverfahren und zum Weingutspreis.

€ 13.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Wawerner Riesling feinherb VDP.Ortswein 2021

Weißwein 11.00 %

87 Punkte im Vinum

€ 17.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Wawerner Riesling feinherb VDP.Ortswein 2022

Weißwein 11.50 %

€ 17.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2018

Weißwein 8.00 %

Ein kleines fruchtsüß-mineralisches Meisterwerk aus dem wunderschönen Bockstein. 94 Punkte im Vinum Weinguide und Top 3, punktgleich mit Platz 2 (Von Othegravens Altenberg Kabinett 2018 Auktion) und Platz 1 (Egon Müllers Scharzhofberger Kabinett 2018 Auktion). Und einer meiner fruchtsüßen Favoriten.

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Großer Herrenberg Monopollage Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 8.00 %

92 Punkte im Vinum

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Kanzemer Riesling trocken VDP.Ortswein 2022

Weißwein 12.00 %

Der Kanzemer Riesling aus der VDP.Großen Lage Altenberg ist derzeit noch verschlossener und zurückhaltender als der Max Riesling, auch mineralischer und tendeziell weniger fruchtbetont. Hier herrschen Eleganz und Klasse. Wenn man so will, ist der Kanzemer Riesling das kleine Große Gewächs des Altenberg oder dessen kleiner Bruder.

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Wiltinger Kupp Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 8.00 %

92 Punkte im Vinum

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Wiltinger Kupp Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2022

Weißwein 8.00 %

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Wiltinger Kupp Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2020

Weißwein 7.50 %

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 8.00 %

93 Punkte im Vinum

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Herrenberger Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2018

Weißwein 8.00 %

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Herrenberger Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2019

Weißwein 8.00 %

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Herrenberger Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2020

Weißwein 8.00 %

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2020

Weißwein 7.50 %

€ 17.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Von Othegraven Riesling Sekt brut 2018

Schaumwein 12.00 %

Feiner und erstklassiger Jahrgangssekt aus den VDP.Großen Lagen Bockstein und Altenberg, traditionelle Flaschengärung, klassisches Champagnerverfahren und zum Weingutspreis.

€ 18.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 8.00 %

97 Punkte im Vinum und Riesling Kabinett des Jahres. Dieser elegante und feine Kabinett aus der majestätischen Top-Lage Altenberg offenbart die Klasse und Komplexität der großen Saar-Weine.

€ 18.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Kabinett VDP.Große Lage 2023

Weißwein 8.00 %

€ 18.50

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Spätlese VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 7.50 %

91 Punkte im Vinum

€ 22.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Spätlese VDP.Große Lage 2022

Weißwein 7.50 %

€ 23.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Spätlese VDP.Große Lage 2018

Weißwein 7.50 %

94 Punkte im Falstaff und 96 Punkte bei James Suckling. "The 2018er Kanzemer Altenberg Riesling Spätlese AP 07 was harvested at approx. 88° Oechsle, and was fermented down to sweet levels of residual sugar (80 g/l). It impresses through its complex yet airy nose of cassis, cherry, candied grapefruit, minty herbs, thyme and spices. The wine is gorgeously deep and playful on the palate and leaves one with an intense yet light and fresh feel in the very long and vibrating finish. This is a great Spätlese in the making. 2028-2048. 94." Jean Fisch & David Rayer in Mosel Fine Wines

€ 24.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Spätlese VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 7.50 %

95 Punkte im Vinum


€ 24.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Spätlese VDP.Große Lage 2022

Weißwein 7.50 %

€ 24.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Spätlese Alte Reben VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 7.50 %

96 Punkte im Vinum


€ 28.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Spätlese Alte Reben VDP.Große Lage 2022

Weißwein 7.50 %

€ 28.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Auslese VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 7.00 %

94 Punkte im Vinum

€ 30.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2018

Weißwein 12.50 %

Durch seinen silbrig-blauen Schiefer ist der Bockstein maskuliner und kräftiger als der Altenberg. Auch die Struktur ist fester und muskulöser mit tiefgründigem Aromenspiel. Sicherlich eine der besten Großen Lagen an der Saar. 93 Punkte im Vinum Weinguide. "The 2018er Bockstein GG, as it is referred to on the consumer label, is still hugely reductive and essentially driven at this stage by residual scents from its spontaneous fermentation at first. It is only after extensive airing that these give way to some superb herbal notes, gooseberry, cassis, intense smoke and spices, as well as a hint of camphor. The wine is tight and beautifully spicy at first on the palate, before it develops a smoother and fruitier side as flavors of almond cream, yellow peach and grapefruit emerge. It leaves one with a slightly herbal yet refreshing feel in the hugely long and bone-dry finish. The tartness in the after-taste and the huge level of reduction on the nose will require quite some aging to integrate into the wine. This hugely impressive dry Saar Riesling could then easily exceed our high expectations. 2025-2038. 93+" Jean Fisch & David Rayer in Mosel Fine Wines

€ 30.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2016

Weißwein 12.50 %

"This still proves quite reduced at this early stage, and it only gradually reveals tons of spices, including ginger, cardamom and curry, soon followed by yellow peach and pear. The wine is delicately creamy but also zesty on the palate, and delivers its full grace in the very long, immensely spicy and fresh finish. The after-taste lasts for minutes on end. This hugely impressive dry Bockstein will need a few years to develop aromatically and deliver its full potential. 2021-2031. 92+ Punkte" Jean Fisch & David Rayer in Mosel Fine Wines

€ 30.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2019

Weißwein 12.00 %

€ 30.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2020

Weißwein 12.00 %

€ 30.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Auslese VDP.Große Lage 2022

Weißwein 7.00 %

€ 32.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2018

Weißwein 13.00 %

"Attractively flinty, stony aromas with fresh lime-juice notes lead to a palate that has a smooth and concentrated feel with dry, grapefruit and lime flavors, delivered in a stony, smooth texture. Drink or hold. 95." James Suckling

€ 33.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2020

Weißwein 12.00 %

€ 33.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Auslese VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 7.00 %

98 Punkte im Vinum


€ 34.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Bockstein Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 12.50 %

€ 35.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Großes Gewächs trocken VDP.Große Lage 2021

Weißwein 13.00 %

€ 38.00

Weingut von Othegraven - Altenberg Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel VDP.Große Lage (0,375 Liter) 2017

Weißwein 7.00 %

96 Punkte im Falstaff. "The 2017er Kanzemer Altenberg Auslese GK was made from a selection of botrytized grapes harvested at a full 115° Oechsle. This offers a great nose of grapefruit puree, passion fruit sorbet, whipped cream, coconut and a hint of starfruit. The wine develops the vibrant exotic complexity of an “Auslese lange GK” on the palate, where more passion fruit, pineapple and grapefruit are blended into some honeyed elements and then whipped up by gorgeously zesty acidity in the long and pure finish. The after-taste leaves one with superbly pure flavors of exotic fruits but also a touch of candy floss which still needs to mellow away. Give this beauty a decade, and you will have a great botrytized Auslese to enjoy over many more years. 2027-2052. 96 Punkte" Jean Fisch & David Rayer in Mosel Fine Wines

€ 39.00

"Wir sind Mitglied bei Fair and Green, weil das Konzept einer Betrachtung, unter dem Kriterium der Nachhaltigkeit, aller in der Weinproduktion betroffenen Zweige uns überzeugt hat. Nach unserem Verständnis kann eine Betrachtung für ein soziales, umwelt- und naturgerechtes Wirtschaften nicht auf die Produktion im Weinberg beschränkt bleiben. Verantwortung sollte in jeden Bereich mess- und prüfbar sein." Weingut von Othegraven
"Andreas Barth still reflects on the overall positive but surprising development of the 2015 vintage which yielded zesty Kabinett despite the hot summer: “On paper, 2015 should be a ripe vintage. The summer was warmer than and as dry as 2003. We had temperature peaks of more than 41°C (106° F)! Yet, the grapes did not go the way of 2003, i.e. continue ripening and lose acidity. In 2015, the vines basically went for survival and protected the leaves and stems instead of the fruit. The result is that the sugar levels in the grapes hardly changed from mid-July until the end of August. This explains why sugar levels remained at moderate levels by the time of the harvest. The water in September proved a blessing for the vines, even if it was quite stressful for the winemaker as another 2014 scenario could easily have been in the cards. Thankfully, the weather turned for the better in October and we were able to do our harvest more or less as usual, i.e. from October 10 until early November. The bulk of the fruit came in within the 80-95° Oechsle range. The good weather allowed us to harvest some Auslese and even TBA level fruit.” The Estate produced its usual range of wines which includes an Auslese as well as an Auslese Alte Reben. There is also some highly botrytized fruit still fermenting which may eventually yield a BA or TBA (the Estate is still keeping this open). As of 2015, the range of Estate wines also includes a fruity-styled Kabinett made from declassified fruit from its best vineyards. As in 2014, the Estate will bring a special cask of Altenberg Kabinett and one of Altenberg Spätlese to this year’s Auction. After a massively successful 2014 vintage, the Estate confirms this grandiose performance by another hugely successful vintage 2015. In particular, the Kabinett wines, while being slightly weightier than in 2014, are gorgeously playful and packed with fresh flavors. The newly released Estate Kabinett is an outstanding effort." Jean Fisch & David Rayer in Mosel Fine Wines
"Swen Klinger, the Estate manager since 2004, reports that, “although 2016 was a very challenging vintage, we are particularly satisfied by the resulting wines and how well they show at this early stage. The growing season couldn’t be more contrasted. A very dry entry into the year was followed by far too much rain especially in May and June. Just getting into our vineyards to treat the vines proved an arduous task: The soils were soaked with water and muddy. I was really surprised at how good the weather turned out to be as of July. The weather was very dry but this was no issue as we had enough water in our soils. October delivered ideal harvesting conditions. We had cool temperatures with sunny days meaning that the grapes could fully mature and gain that extra layer of complexity on the vines. Harvest was thankfully a relaxed affair as there were quite some differences in levels of ripeness and we had to work really selectively. Botrytis came late but did not really develop. Even without botrytis selections, our yields were low, at only 35 hl/ha.” The harvest lasted from October 6-7 and was completed by November 2. It allowed the Estate to bring in fruit with sugar levels ranging from 76° to 94° Oechsle. As a result, the Estate was able to produce its full portfolio of wines right up to an Auslese from the Kanzemer Altenberg. This includes GG bottlings from the Bockstein and the Altenberg. As the grapes were ripe and clean, the Estate did rely on some pre-fermentation maceration, as it usually does. It will bring the same bottlings to this year’s Auction as it did last year, namely a special cask of Kabinett and of Spätlese from the Altenberg. The von Othegraven produced its probably finest collection in a long time (in fact we would be hard pressed to find a better one). The remarkable thing is that this success ranges across all stylistic directions and concerns the smaller wines as well: The Kanzemer Trocken is a superb dry Riesling that can defy many GG. The off-dry Wawerner is simply stunning. Also the fruity-styled wines prove hugely successful, with, among others, the Spätlese from Altenberg and the Kabinett from the Altenberg, Bockstein and Kupp likely to make it on the list of Vintage highlights: They are THAT impressive." Jean Fisch & David Rayer in Mosel Fine Wines
"This is easily the finest collection of fruity-styled wines at this Estate since the Jauch family has taken over. The wines are of incredibly high quality and shine through zest, purity and presence. Stylistically, the wines may cruise at almost a category higher than what the label states (i.e. the Kabinett have Spätlese presence and the Spätlese show quite some Auslese elements), but the airiness and finesse make more than up for this. Even the smallest wine would be a highlight at many other Estates. The depth of quality is simply stunning. This is a glorious set of wines which showcases the beauty of Saar Riesling like few others. Bravo to the whole team!" Jean Fisch & David Rayer in Mosel Fine Wines über den Jahrgang 2017
Alle anderen Weine, Jahrgänge und Sonderformate des Weinguts von Othegraven können Sie auf Anfrage natürlich auch zu Weingutspreisen bestellen.
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